
Grupo Alea de Análise Poética

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    Grupo Alea de Análise Poética / Caixa de correo 066 / Faculdade de Filoloxía / USC Campus Norte / 15782 Santiago de Compostela

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    Iria Sobrino - María Xesús Nogueira - Montserrat Pena - Isaac Lourido - Margarita García Candeira - Arturo Casas (coord.)
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Archive for the ‘neoliberalismo’ Category

Poesía e emancipación

Posted by gaapdec o Agosto 4, 2011

A editorial Peter Lang publicará no vindeiro outono, na serie “Hispanic Studies. Culture and Ideas”, un volume coordinado por Ben Bollig (Universidade de Leeds) e Arturo Casas (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) no marco dos traballos desenvolvidos pola rede internacional Poéticas de Resistencia. Toman parte nesta rede investigadores e produtores artísticos de procedencia latinoamericana e europea. O título do libro é Resistance and Emancipation: Cultural and Poetic Practices. O índice pode consultarse clicando aquí.

Véxase de seguido o comezo da introdución:

The title of this volume refers to a central question, at times tacit, at times explicit, that motivates the essays included herein: what role, if any, does cultural production have to play in movements, groups and struggles that oppose the present political order and/or propose radically different forms of social, political and economic organization? Although the contributors understand the terms ‘resistance’ and ‘emancipation’ in a variety of ways, their respective etymological meanings of ‘standing against’ and ‘liberation’ (from slavery, from existing morality) have motivated much of the research work and activism that is represented or analysed. This book is the product  of a network of researchers and cultural producers from Europe, Latin America and the USA, entitled ‘Poetics of Resistance’. The members of the network are committed to a long-term research project into the creative strategies of counter-hegemony, and the dominance of and resistance to neoliberalism in culture, knowledge production, and education.

The network emerged as a result of discussions in 2007–8 between founder members Cornelia Gräbner, Ben Bollig, Arturo Casas, William Rowe and Santiago Chávez, about the relationship between cultural production, political activism, the role and future of the university, and the contemporary context of neoliberal capitalism, although in many respects it ref lects long-standing interests of these and others involved in the project. […] The book you are holding brings together papers developed from interventions at both of our meetings to date, by academics, poets, activists, filmmakers and others engaged in practices of poetic and cultural resistance. […] Although the approaches, opinions and responses of members of the network are many and varied, discussions at the two symposia [Leeds and Santiago de Compostela] suggested a series of common points of contact, any to do with a sense of discontent at contemporary responses to questions about the role of culture in politics. This discontent of course stems in part from the particular nature of this political conjuncture. Neoliberal capitalism, that is to say, the ideology that the ability of markets and capital to cross national boundaries is the prime indicator of global development and wellbeing, has shaped to its convenience not only the economy. It also targets higher education, knowledge production, and cultural production. The homogenizing, exclusionary and destructive consequences of its interventions can be felt throughout all these areas. In this sense, as editors we feel strongly that the variety of themes and optics, and the dif fering personal trajectories of the contributors, has been one of the strengths of the group, and that many of the tensions that these dif ferences have occasioned have been productive in the development of ideas and shared dialogues.

Posted in emerxencia cultural, espazo público, iniciativas, intervención, investigación, movementos sociais, neoliberalismo, performance, poesía non-lírica, publicacións, redes, resistencia | Leave a Comment »